Feline High-Rise Syndrome
10-minute comedy
Doug is trying to convince Sandra to move into an apartment building downtown, but she’s dead set against it.
BOOT, teenage skateboarder
DOUG, bank manager
SANDRA, florist
TAZ, athlete
BOOT, teenage skateboarder
DOUG, bank manager
SANDRA, florist
TAZ, athlete
(online reading)
Anything Goes! Theatre Lab
ANDTheatre Company
New York, NY
December 20, 2023
Cast: Jack Henry (Boot), Hank Fandel (Doug), Susan Courtney (Sandra), Victoria Freedman (Taz)
Anything Goes! Theatre Lab
ANDTheatre Company
New York, NY
December 20, 2023
Cast: Jack Henry (Boot), Hank Fandel (Doug), Susan Courtney (Sandra), Victoria Freedman (Taz)
(online reading)
New York, NY
January 19, 2021
Cast: Wayne Joseph (Boot), Rory Clarke (Doug), Michelle Macau (Sandra), Alyson Linefsky (Taz)
New York, NY
January 19, 2021
Cast: Wayne Joseph (Boot), Rory Clarke (Doug), Michelle Macau (Sandra), Alyson Linefsky (Taz)
Take Ten Festival 2015
Between Us Productions
Roy Arias Studios, Stage II
New York, NY,
April 8-10, 2015
Cast: Stephen Humes (Doug), Hannah Richter (Sandra), Christopher Herr (Boot), Clare Rea (Taz)
Directed by Emily Naylor
Between Us Productions
Roy Arias Studios, Stage II
New York, NY,
April 8-10, 2015
Cast: Stephen Humes (Doug), Hannah Richter (Sandra), Christopher Herr (Boot), Clare Rea (Taz)
Directed by Emily Naylor
Claremorris Fringe Festival
Half a Breakfast Theatre Group
Town Hall Theatre
Claremorris, Ireland
March 6, 2015
Directed by Richie Heneghan
• Adjudicators’ Special Award: Gearóid Ó hOireachtaigh, Half a Breakfast Theatre Group, for spectacular skateboard stunts in ‘Feline High-Rise Syndrome’.
Half a Breakfast Theatre Group
Town Hall Theatre
Claremorris, Ireland
March 6, 2015
Directed by Richie Heneghan
• Adjudicators’ Special Award: Gearóid Ó hOireachtaigh, Half a Breakfast Theatre Group, for spectacular skateboard stunts in ‘Feline High-Rise Syndrome’.