Rex McGregor
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Rex McGregor
Short Plays
Threatened Panda Fights Back
The Birds Are Feeding Me
Grow Up, Juliet
Grace Finds Kel
Monstrous Villainy
Garage Invasion
Ebook Meets Treebook
Rich Pickings
Prepper's Nightmare
Tickle That Dragon
Amazons of Tomorrow
Flight of the Cows
Gruesome Gift
She's Got His Number
Don't Flip Your Snood
The Tarantula's Pet Frog
Proud Mary and Prejudiced Lydia
The Mama and the Papa
Unromantic Bouquet
Ambitious Cutlery
Surfing in Munich
Eleventh Night
Your Server Tonight Is Cassandra
Shelter in Comfort
The Girl Who Would Rather Not Grow Up Just Yet
Feline High-Rise Syndrome
This Particular Crevasse
The Name of Action
Fit for a King
A Supportive Wife Supports Her Wife
Cathy Haunts Catherine
Lullaby for a Librarian
Cobra Versus Tiger
Fingers and Toeses
Dueling Judges
Rival Pseudonyms
Mother of Chemistry
Taking the Plunge
Played for a Sap
Cheerleaders and Cheeseburgers
Wayward Seniors
Marked for Deletion
Catching Hendrix
Ngā Wai o Te Tairāwhiti
Stage Fights Screen
Restoring Romeo
President Charles Evans Hughes
Almost Immortal
Pushing Buttons
Friendly Skirmish
Rabbit Warns Gannet
Librarians Embrace Fiction
Money Talks Too Loud
Miriam's Mother
Retha's First March
Trumpettes Anonymous
Table in the Air
Thrill of the Circus
Happy Husband Hunting
Triple Helping
Throw Me Out
One Wish Each
Welcome to Belarus
Fight for the Apron
Phony on a Twig
Val's Remedy
The Top Seed and the Poor Seedlings
Helga Goes Bats
Henry the Seventh (If Shakespeare Was Honest)
Pseudo-Human Resources
Grounding Santa
Help Found
Subversive Action Chick
Rasha and Abd
Horror at Sea
Aleema the Boy Girl
Who Remembers Éponine’s Sister?
Fire Up
Love Those Cockroaches
Murder Runs in Our Family
Public Deaths
Gab Irish-Like
Orpheus Floats
Fraught Hike
Guts Out
Sugar Horror
Becky and Tom
Vegan Vigilantes
Phenomenals Anonymous
Zany Planets
Battle for the Front Seat
Kindness Pays
Natasha Toughs It Out
Beauty Store Saboteur
Worst Villain
Save the Sasquatch
Her Daughter's Doll
We Aren't Aliens
Party Crasher on a Mission
Stuck Fast
Next Door Nativity
Estella Expects a Lot
Canary Now
Enemies on a Date
The Flames of Patience
Marietta's Ultimatum
Family Tries
Tina, Queen of Scots
Thin End
Geordie Heroine
Siege Ready
Inventive Dream
Elegant Rescue
Handling Temptation
The Fruits of Lust
Horrifying Mary
Possible Fathers
Refloat Our Whale
Swinging Campers
Subversive Action Gal
Chat with That
Jane Errant
Smile on a Mask
Two Divided by One
Two Minus Infinity
Two Times Ex
Skull Against the Sky
The Ghostly Christmas Pest
The Ecstasy of Carmel
All's Fair in Tug of War
Unsuspecting Donor
Toothlessness Bites
Lost Judgment
Help Full
Help Less
Quick Light Touch
Kurt and Orla
They Never Leave Their Wives
Turn of the Tidier
Tui and the Immortal
The Fifth Street Women's Building Takeover
Best Chance Café
Roasting Death
Absconding Patient
Fountain of Youth
The Power of Enchantment
Clash of the Lorde Fans
The First Christmas Presents
Grandis, Juliette
Herding Catastrophes
Penelope's Feast
Extreme Decluttering
Twilight of the Grizzly
Thirteenth Night
Love and Acoustics
Boot's Trip
Nature Soothes
Fern and Her Father
Abigail Wades In
Tempting Sabah
Eradicting Apathy
Who Loves More
Chest-Beating for Gentlemen
That's No Mannequin (That's His Wife)
Put Down the Gun
It Could Be Anyone
I Love an Earthling
Queen Takes Emperor
Sunshine in Every Window
Margaret Thatcher Changes the World
Tricky Intervention
Girls Rock the Classics
Izzy Sticks With It
Lady Godiva Doesn't Ride Again
Birds and Money
Three Weird Mornings at the Library
New Partners
Thena and Taz
Rogue Flight
Honest Shakespeare
Miss Imposter
Impending Intimacy
Poor Doug
Female Scientists to the Rescue
Girls on the Brink
Grow Up, Girls
Brink Time
The Sword and the Gown
Safe Trip
It's Ours! The Fifth Street Women's Building Takeover, 1971
Pacific Caper
Stale Obsession
A Hard Fifty Years' Night
Nine Plays Wonder
Clash of the Delusions
Who's Manipulative?
Margaret Thatcher Hits New Zealand
Wind Above the Water
All Aboard
Lady Godiva Womans Up
Unpardonable Virtues
Nude with Tuba and Skull
Triple Fandango
Hour of Misjudgement
Audio plays
Contains Nudity
This Particular Crevasse
Suspect Sleuths
Wind Above the Water
Lament of the Failed Alcoholic
Above the Stave
A Flying Visit
None of Your Blarney
Olive Struts and Frets
Sweet Fright
Tabby's Plague Diary
Boot's Vacation
Nourishing Marion
Missing Applause
Will Kemp's Turn
Frida Kahlo Must Be Jewish
An Educated Palate
Fern's Plan
Sweetness and Light
The One Waving
The Reluctant Barker
Shakespeare's Protestation
The Frog-Footman's Statement
Cassandra Vents
A Bride for the Pope
Beaver Loves Otter
Derrick's Tactic
Post-Baby Body
Innocent Glutton
Phoenix on Ice
Carriage Horse Chat
Kia Orāna, Joe
Elizabeth's Revenge
The Movement You Need
Officially Recovered
The Roses or the Bat
Lady Godiva's Daughter
Friar Oswald's Confession
Let's Just Chill
Erica, Oswald and Shakespeare
The Clueless Bishop
Your Attention, Please
Paddy's Spiel
Published Scripts
Possible Fathers
Space Dancers
Laugh with Jesus
Cuisine for Angels
Dinah Might
Let's Just Chill
Monologue for a young woman
A stressed-out life coach seeks relief.
Character: TAZ, young woman